What is acupuncture?
What is an "acupuncturist"?
Do I have to choose between acupuncture and other types
of health care?
What can I expect during my treatment?
Can acupuncture needles spread disease?
What is expected of me after treatment?
How many treatments are needed?
Will treatments be covered by my insurance?
What kind of diseases can acupuncture treat?
Why "Blue Heron"?
Acupuncture is a method of treating illness that originated in China. It is presently used as a primary health care system throughout much of the world. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was the only medicine of the Chinese people for thousands of years; Western medicine was a relatively recent introduction. Chinese medicine was, and still is, used to treat every condition with the exception of broken bones, and is effective for the medical condiions we see today.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a method of balancing and building the body's life force energy, known as "qi" (pronounced "chee"). Acupuncturists recognize particular pathways called "meridians" thorough which this energy circulates. TCM views disease as the result of an imbalance or blockage in the body's natural energy flow. Such imbalances can manifest in physical and/or emotional conditions; and TCM successfully treats both.
First of all, the practice of acupuncture itself is only a part of the total health care you receive from practitioner of TCM, licensed in Texas as an acupuncturist. Your TCM practitioner is also trained and skilled in accupressure, the use of Chinese herbs, nutrition, and the way energy flows within our bodies.
I am a diplomate of Southwest Acupuncture College, an accredited school of Oriental Medicine, having completed an intensive 3-year, 2,140-hour curriculum in all phases of TCM. I passed a comprehensive licensing exam, and have had over 15 years of experience in the practice of TCM. I am backed up by a holistic medical tradition that stretches back for more than 3,000 years. Over that time, TCM has been refined and clarified, based on observing what actually works, to the point where every nuance is backed by millenia of knowledge and experience.
No, they can be integrated. Each type of medicine has its own strengths, and all of them can contribute to your overall health and well-being. In fact, many western medical practices have acupuncturists on their staff nowadays.
Most people find an acupuncture treatment to be a quiet, restful time. A treatment begins with my finding out how you are doing - how you're feeling, whether you have pain anywhere, what you expect from the treatment, etc. Then I will insert a number of tiny acupuncture needles into specific locations on your body, as indicated by your condition and the objectives for the treatment. After that, I will lower the lights and leave the room for a time, allowing you to rest with your needles in place, doing their work. Some people sleep during the treatment, some experience deep relaxation, and some do both. Upon returning, I will carefully remove the needles, find out how you are doing after the treatment, and make herbal and lifestyle recommendations to help your condition until your next treatment.
Needles can only do this if they are re-used, and I use only sterile, disposable, single-use needles.
In a perfect world you will have a chance for your treatment to "sink in" by relaxing for at least thirty minutes afterward. There are several ways I have seen this arranged. For example, some clients with many hours of accrued sick time (and in jobs where it is allowed) will schedule a mid-aftermoon appointment and take the rest of the day to devote to themselves. Some will simply come at the end of their work day. Also, there are Saturday appointments. You get the idea.
However, many clients come for treatment and return to work – and still have excellent results.
This is determined by many factors, such as how long you have had the condition you need help with. I will discuss this with you at the first visit, once I have learned about your situation.
One thing I've discovered, though - how quickly your problem clears up strongly depends on how well you take care of yourself (diet, exercise, not smoking, etc.).
Some insurance companies are covering acupuncture at this time. I urge you to contact your insurance company for information about their acupuncture coverage, as well as to let them know that you would like acupuncture to be covered.
Acupuncture can help your body heal almost any disease process; and much like exercise and good nutrition, it does this by helping your body regain its natural balance. (And by the way, regaining your natural balance will help you feel healthier and happier in general.)
To delight your visual senses and learn the meaning of herons, cranes, and egrets in Chinese lore, return to the home page and click on the picture of the Blue Heron.
For people who have specific questions
about acupuncture or traditional Chinese medicine,
or to discuss an appointment for treatment or consultation,
send Christi an e-mail message
or call Blue Heron Acupuncture at 512-330-9998 in Austin.